Variable defaultConst

    default: {
        checkDatas: ((id: string, task: ISimulationTask) => Promise<string[]>);
        checkResults: ((id: string, task: ISimulationTask) => Promise<string[]>);
        clean: ((simulationPath: string) => Promise<void>);
        computeMesh: ((simulationPath: string, configuration: {
            boundaryConditions: IModelBoundaryConditions;
            dimension: undefined | number;
            geometry: {
                data: undefined | {
                    file?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    path?: string;
                    | undefined
                    | IModelMeshSizeManual
                    | IModelMeshSizeAuto
                    | IModelMeshSizeFactor;
                value: undefined | string;
            initialization: undefined | IModelInitialization;
            run: {
                cloudServer: undefined | HPCClientPlugin;
        }, updateTasksHelper: UpdateTasksHelper) => Promise<ISimulationTaskFile>);
        computeMeshes: ((simulationId: string, simulationPath: string, configuration: {
            boundaryConditions: IModelBoundaryConditions;
            dimension?: number;
            geometry: IModelGeometry;
            initialization?: IModelInitialization;
            materials?: IModelMaterials;
            parameters: IModelParameters;
            run: IModelRun;
        }, updateTasksHelper: UpdateTasksHelper) => Promise<void>);
        computeSimulation: ((simulation: {
            id: string;
        }, scheme: IModel, keepMesh?: boolean) => Promise<void>);
        emptyFunction: (() => undefined);
        files: {
            data: string;
            end: string;
            log: string;
        getRefinements: ((boundaryConditions: IModelBoundaryConditions) => IModelMeshRefinement[]);
        init: ((configuration: {
            [key: string]: {
                default?: boolean | number | string;
                label: string;
                options?: string[];
                props?: any;
                rules?: {
                    max?: number;
                    message?: string;
                    min?: number;
                    required?: boolean;
                secret?: boolean;
                tooltip?: string;
                    | "input"
                    | "textarea"
                    | "password"
                    | "select";
                value?: boolean | number | string;
        }) => Promise<void>);
        key: string;
        monitoring: ((id: string, _: any, updateTasksHelper: UpdateTasksHelper) => Promise<void>);
        paths: {
            coupling: string;
            data: string;
            result: string;
            run: string;
        processData: ((id: string, data: IOutput, simulationPath: string, updateTasksHelper: UpdateTasksHelper) => Promise<void>);
        processResult: ((id: string, result: IOutput, simulationPath: string, updateTasksHelper: UpdateTasksHelper) => Promise<void>);
        startProcess: ((id: string, simulationPath: string, updateTasksHelper: UpdateTasksHelper) => SetIntervalAsyncTimer<any>);
        stop: ((id: string, tasks: ISimulationTask[]) => Promise<void>);
        stopProcess: ((id: string, simulationPath: string, updateTasksHelper: UpdateTasksHelper) => Promise<void>);
        updateTasks: ((id: string, tasks: ISimulationTask[]) => void);
    } = ...

    Type declaration

    • checkDatas: ((id: string, task: ISimulationTask) => Promise<string[]>)
        • (id, task): Promise<string[]>
        • Check datas


          Returns Promise<string[]>

    • checkResults: ((id: string, task: ISimulationTask) => Promise<string[]>)
        • (id, task): Promise<string[]>
        • Check results


          Returns Promise<string[]>

    • clean: ((simulationPath: string) => Promise<void>)
        • (simulationPath): Promise<void>
        • Clean previous simulaton


          • simulationPath: string

            Simulation path

          Returns Promise<void>

    • computeMesh: ((simulationPath: string, configuration: {
          boundaryConditions: IModelBoundaryConditions;
          dimension: undefined | number;
          geometry: {
              data: undefined | {
                  file?: string;
                  name?: string;
                  path?: string;
                  | undefined
                  | IModelMeshSizeManual
                  | IModelMeshSizeAuto
                  | IModelMeshSizeFactor;
              value: undefined | string;
          initialization: undefined | IModelInitialization;
          run: {
              cloudServer: undefined | HPCClientPlugin;
      }, updateTasksHelper: UpdateTasksHelper) => Promise<ISimulationTaskFile>)
    • computeMeshes: ((simulationId: string, simulationPath: string, configuration: {
          boundaryConditions: IModelBoundaryConditions;
          dimension?: number;
          geometry: IModelGeometry;
          initialization?: IModelInitialization;
          materials?: IModelMaterials;
          parameters: IModelParameters;
          run: IModelRun;
      }, updateTasksHelper: UpdateTasksHelper) => Promise<void>)
    • computeSimulation: ((simulation: {
          id: string;
      }, scheme: IModel, keepMesh?: boolean) => Promise<void>)
        • (simulation, scheme, keepMesh?): Promise<void>
        • Compute simulation


          • simulation: {
                id: string;


            • id: string
          • scheme: IModel

            Simulation scheme

          • OptionalkeepMesh: boolean

            Keep mesh

          Returns Promise<void>

    • emptyFunction: (() => undefined)
        • (): undefined
        • Empty function

          Returns undefined

    • files: {
          data: string;
          end: string;
          log: string;
      • data: string
      • end: string
      • log: string
    • getRefinements: ((boundaryConditions: IModelBoundaryConditions) => IModelMeshRefinement[])
    • init: ((configuration: {
          [key: string]: {
              default?: boolean | number | string;
              label: string;
              options?: string[];
              props?: any;
              rules?: {
                  max?: number;
                  message?: string;
                  min?: number;
                  required?: boolean;
              secret?: boolean;
              tooltip?: string;
                  | "input"
                  | "textarea"
                  | "password"
                  | "select";
              value?: boolean | number | string;
      }) => Promise<void>)
        • (configuration): Promise<void>
        • Initialization


          • configuration: {
                [key: string]: {
                    default?: boolean | number | string;
                    label: string;
                    options?: string[];
                    props?: any;
                    rules?: {
                        max?: number;
                        message?: string;
                        min?: number;
                        required?: boolean;
                    secret?: boolean;
                    tooltip?: string;
                        | "input"
                        | "textarea"
                        | "password"
                        | "select";
                    value?: boolean | number | string;


            • [key: string]: {
                  default?: boolean | number | string;
                  label: string;
                  options?: string[];
                  props?: any;
                  rules?: {
                      max?: number;
                      message?: string;
                      min?: number;
                      required?: boolean;
                  secret?: boolean;
                  tooltip?: string;
                      | "input"
                      | "textarea"
                      | "password"
                      | "select";
                  value?: boolean | number | string;
              • Optionaldefault?: boolean | number | string
              • label: string
              • Optionaloptions?: string[]
              • Optionalprops?: any
              • Optionalrules?: {
                    max?: number;
                    message?: string;
                    min?: number;
                    required?: boolean;
              • Optionalsecret?: boolean
              • Optionaltooltip?: string
              • type:
                    | "input"
                    | "textarea"
                    | "password"
                    | "select"
              • Optionalvalue?: boolean | number | string

          Returns Promise<void>

    • key: string
    • monitoring: ((id: string, _: any, updateTasksHelper: UpdateTasksHelper) => Promise<void>)
        • (id, _, updateTasksHelper): Promise<void>
        • Monitoring


          • id: string

            Simulation id

          • _: any


          • updateTasksHelper: UpdateTasksHelper

            Update tasks helper

          Returns Promise<void>

    • paths: {
          coupling: string;
          data: string;
          result: string;
          run: string;
      • coupling: string
      • data: string
      • result: string
      • run: string
    • processData: ((id: string, data: IOutput, simulationPath: string, updateTasksHelper: UpdateTasksHelper) => Promise<void>)
        • (id, data, simulationPath, updateTasksHelper): Promise<void>
        • Process data


          • id: string


          • data: IOutput


          • simulationPath: string

            Simulation path

          • updateTasksHelper: UpdateTasksHelper

            Update tasks helper

          Returns Promise<void>

    • processResult: ((id: string, result: IOutput, simulationPath: string, updateTasksHelper: UpdateTasksHelper) => Promise<void>)
        • (id, result, simulationPath, updateTasksHelper): Promise<void>
        • Process result


          • id: string


          • result: IOutput


          • simulationPath: string

            Simulation Path

          • updateTasksHelper: UpdateTasksHelper

            Update tasks helper

          Returns Promise<void>

    • startProcess: ((id: string, simulationPath: string, updateTasksHelper: UpdateTasksHelper) => SetIntervalAsyncTimer<any>)
        • (id, simulationPath, updateTasksHelper): SetIntervalAsyncTimer<any>
        • Start process results & datas


          • id: string

            Simulation id

          • simulationPath: string

            Simulation path

          • updateTasksHelper: UpdateTasksHelper

            Update tasks helper

          Returns SetIntervalAsyncTimer<any>

          Interval id

    • stop: ((id: string, tasks: ISimulationTask[]) => Promise<void>)
        • (id, tasks): Promise<void>
        • Stop tasks


          Returns Promise<void>

    • stopProcess: ((id: string, simulationPath: string, updateTasksHelper: UpdateTasksHelper) => Promise<void>)
        • (id, simulationPath, updateTasksHelper): Promise<void>
        • Stop process results and datas


          • id: string

            Simulation id

          • simulationPath: string

            Simulation path

          • updateTasksHelper: UpdateTasksHelper

            Update tasks helper

          Returns Promise<void>

    • updateTasks: ((id: string, tasks: ISimulationTask[]) => void)
        • (id, tasks): void
        • Update tasks


          Returns void

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